She's All That Video-Podcast

How a TEDx Talk Helps Your Visibility, Credibility, and Authority with Bilyana Georgieva

• September Smith & Bilyana Georgieva • Season 4 • Episode 14

A TEDx Talk Helps Your Visibility, Credibility, and Authority  -   a TEDx talk can turbocharge your media and speaking campaign.  I'm  talking with Bilyana Georgieva who is an expert in that - and a speaker at the Break Through with Media summit, June 14-16 - and in this conversation Bilyana shares

  • the role it can play in your strategy
  • how she came to be a leading expert
  • some examples of people using it effectively, and
  • more!

We're going even deeper on this at the summit - and all the other facets of your media, speaking, PR and publicity strategy

The BREAK THROUGH WITH MEDIA Summit is a FREE, virtual event, June 14 - 16, offering live interactive sessions with experts in the fields of media like television, podcasting, radio, magazine, and news, speaking, publicity, and PR to help entrepreneurs, authors, and start-ups quickly understand how they can step their brand up to more prestigious, credible platforms, stages, and pages

We want to provide an interactive expo experience for your to get the big picture, see the opportunities for you, and meet knowledgeable experts that can make this the year you have the break through you've been dreaming of.


You can find Bilyana at:
Bilyana Georgieva | LinkedIn


Welcome to the She's All That video podcast. This season of the podcast is all about the BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA virtual summit that we're holding and all about the amazing industry experts that are speaking at the summit who will give entrepreneurs, authors and thought leaders, people just like you, a powerful alternative to the fast-deteriorating tool of social media for your marketing and visibility. The next big opportunity that you need to rapidly uplevel your positioning and your reach is media exposure, TV, podcast, radio news, speaking opportunities, publicity, PR and more. The free BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit provides you with a constellation of experts information and strategy to give you the big picture of how you can get started. Our guest today is a key piece in that puzzle.

September Smith:

Today, I'm talking with Bilyana Georgieva. Liliana is a TEDx speaker, a TEDx coach. She's a digital and social media nerd by her own description. She's a multi award winning speaker and an LinkedIn influencer, Bilyana's passion is to help business owners, executives, speakers, and anyone who dares to speak up to design and deliver a powerful TEDx talk and then use social media hacks to make their TEDx video go viral. All her clients are in the top 25% of the most watched TEDx speakers around the world. And seven of them are in the top 10 World's TEDx chart for the most watched TEDx talks released on YouTube. Seriously, impressive, Bilyana, thanks so much for being with me today. I September, how everyone, it's absolute pleasure to be with you today. That's incredible what you do with your clients that you can make sure that they're in the top percentages. Very impressive. But let's start from the beginning. I mean, how, how did you even become a TEDx speaker? Were you a speaker before you became a TEDx speaker? I was. I was a speaker much before I went on TEDx stage, I was literally traveling around the world for work. At that point, I was a digital transformation director and, and I, I've been on so many different stages around the world. But the moment when I was invited to go on TEDx directly said yes, without you as a second guest, I didn't even had an idea in my head what exactly I want to present on stage. But the yes was straightaway there. So - I have to ask, is there a huge difference between the speaking that you had been doing, and now there's new, somewhat rarefied version of speaking the TEDx stage speaking?


That is huge, huge difference. There's so many rules, which comes from Ted headquarter and TEDx organizers are obliged to apply to all the speakers getting on their stages, it's a lot of limitations. And it's, it's a lot of limitations also, on topics specifically for business professionals, which I was before I became a TEDx coach. And, and also time limit, as well as most probably most of you know, the maximum talk 18 minutes, but when you cut out all the pre and post rose advertising, this is actually 17 minutes, or you only have 17 minutes to say whatever you want to say. And yeah, it's it's very, very different in the structure wise is very different from a standard talk. So when you did your first TEDx talk, did you have somebody to coach you through it? Or did you have to figure it all out yourself? I wanted to hire someone who can give me the speaking part as a structural and helped me with the structure and and the practice. But I also want to wanted to have someone who knows the social media, TEDx, specifically, TEDx strategies for social media, I didn't want to figure it out myself, sadly. I couldn't find such person on the planet. It's just it was it was either one or the other, but not both together. And, and I went with my speaker, coach, which was my speaker mentor already. And, and then I just had to figure it out myself. The rest is how to diffuse how to distribute that talk and get 1000s of 1000s of views around the world.

September Smith:

Yeah, that's an essential part of it. I mean, no, obviously, all the prep, knowing how to speak all the rules, the ins and outs, is crucial. But that's not the end of it, if you really want to make it work for you, and that's what you help people with. Okay, so you had that experience yourself of needing that coaching, and couldn't find it all in one place? Is that how you ended up doing it yourself? That was your inspiration?


Not really. There was two years between the time when I was on stage and the time when I decided to become a TEDx coach, and was actually pandemic helping me to push it Moving towards complete change. My background is digital transformations. That's why people call me digital nerds is, for 19 years before I became TEDx coach, I was literally traveling around the world working with 21 Different industries to completely redesign their business processes and software's and big data. And I have this data analysis mind, my brain is literally like data, data driven. And, and when pandemic started, all my projects are gone. To cut the story short, I'm talking about projects, which are like 10 50 million pounds. And of course, with pandemic in the first lockdown, all the C level, people decided that those projects needs to be forced to go. So within a week, I lost literally all my incomes, all my projects, all the businesses. And, and on top of it, I was one of the first people in London who got sick with COVID. And that time it was I'm talking about fifth of March 2020. And I was completely sick with no incomes. And I had to really concentrate on my health, I wasn't sure how long is going to take at the end, it took me about nine months to recover my lungs. And after nine months, I started asking myself, Okay, what's next, right? It's great to lose, lose everything. But I took it in a very positive way as a blank canvas, like if we have a chance in our life to start creating from complete scratch. So I asked my question, I asked myself the question, what do I want to do next, like 19 years in the same, you know, field is, is great. And, and I want you to do something which is very meaningful for the humanity very changing for, for all the other humans across really across the globe. And I wanted also to use all my digital, my social media skills, the speaking skills. And I was already a TEDx, TEDx speaker anyway. And the kind of the logical next step was not just to become a TEDx speaker, but actually I had a conversation with a friend of a friend, which I helped to become a TEDx speaker. And she was like, Can I have all your hacks, you know, and everything what you do for, for our common friend, because I heard that you already help him with his talk. And I was like, I'm not officially a TEDx coach. That's not something I do. But she was the one you know, when you have some kind of conversation sometimes. And you have this boat moment that this is actually and you ticked all the boxes in TEDx, for me means a lot. helping the people to spread their message and spread their wisdom around the world is is meaningful for the humanity. And it does give me that opportunity to constantly update and upgrade my brain Data Wise and digital wise. I use all social medias to do different TEDx strategies for each social media. They're very different. And, and of course, the speaking storytelling is huge as well, when it comes to TEDx.

September Smith:

Just while we're speaking here, it occurs to me, you I need to have you in on our fourth bonus day of the summit, where we're talking about leveraging, which I feel is your that is I noticed, because we're connected on LinkedIn, that's something that you are all over, I have your newsletter, I see you're very, very strategic. I love it. We're going to be talking about how to leverage the media you get, and that is one of your forte, so we got to have you in for that one. Because yeah, like, just don't create this amazing piece of content, this, this ambassador for you and your brand, and never do anything with it. That's amazing. So you were at that time, you were all your experience was based in London. And now you're helping people all over the world. I mean, the pandemic made that possible. So the people that come to you that want to do TEDx talks, what is it that they want to achieve? Like for the most part, are you seeing any general trends like this? Is it does everyone have their own desire? Or is there a couple of themes there? What are they trying to do?


It's, it's, it's, it's a great question. Actually. It's, all of them come to me because they want to be visible worldwide. So I became famous because I really push my own limits digital limits, to put so many different hacks on the TEDx content as a script, but also on the YouTube video after this because I know how YouTube works, and I know how, like my goal is to always help that TEDx video to trigger the engine and after this YouTube to start working on behalf of the speaker. So I became famous with making TED Talks viral on YouTube. And that is the most common theme between the different speakers who come to me and work with me. But there is a lot more behind the way how I help the people from a content structure. perspective of the script is very interesting. I've been crazy about neuroscience for the last five years. And I start using two laws of neuroscience how the brain works, to make the TED Talk memorable, not just for the speaker to go and present it in full power on stage, but also to be very memorable for the audience listening and then remembering what they call key phrase. So those two combined together the going viral on YouTube, and, and making a TED talk very memorable for the audience of my speakers. These are the two main reasons but there is also an element of creating a legacy. That's something I always remember, like, remind the people that this is not just a TED talk is your legacy. And it's also digital cards. So every time when you go somewhere, and you say like I'm a TEDx speaker, you don't even have to take any business card out because people can go on YouTube and and search for you on YouTube. And, and what is what is the one biggest benefit of doing a TED talk is that when you speak with people, you have no clue who they are, but they know you because they already watched your Ted Ted Talk. It's very important. So you're really already like three steps ahead everyone else because the people already know you. And that is very powerful.

September Smith:

A lot of people who, for the last number of years have been promoting the idea of let's use video because video does have that ability. When people watch you on video, in some part of our ancient Lee wired brains, you know, our lizard brains, we, we feel like okay, I know this person. Now I've met them. I've talked to them I've had this encounter. As we know, billions of videos are created every day YouTube is crazy saturated. One of the really special things about the TEDx video is again, the word rarefied the rarefied environment, the stage upon which you're being presented, just is head and shoulders miles above, just getting on and creating your own YouTube video.


Exactly. I can give you I can give you a good example. One of the one of the people I work with she she came to me only to add those seven YouTube hacks what, what I mentioned quickly. But what happened with her, for example, she had about 15 or 16 videos on YouTube as her being on stage from so many different summits, and like business conferences, she's a business business coach. And each of those, each of those videos were like performing really, really well, like above anything around 1000 views 500, anything between 501,000 views, the moment when she did her first TED talk, and she has to with the first TEDx talk, we did the first six months, she has, at the moment, 190,000 views in six months. So if you can compare only because it's TEDx stage, because TEDx channel is ranked as number one, non government channel on YouTube, and YouTube is number one video platform as we know, but you can you can see the difference between about 1000 views on 15 different, you know, stages and videos and 190,000 views as TEDx is, is huge, just like, usually the number says,

September Smith:

yeah, 110 times the number of views. That does say it. Oh, and I have to say there is something about when you even when you see a still like I've seen your materials that you're going to be actually offering at the breakthrough with Media Summit. And the first, the head picture of it is you on stage with that bright red TEDx behind you. There's something striking about that, it just it's so elevated. This is not just anybody. She's on a TEDx stage. So it's, I mean, it's definitely prestige, but it's also a perceived value. Exactly. It's impressive.


Exactly. On day one of the break through with Media Summit, we're gonna speak exactly about visibility, but also about authority and credibility. And what I want to say is that usually what people perceive from someone getting on TEDx stages, automatically this person has authority. They don't even have to open them up and say something they already have authority for the fact that they're on that stage. They get


To that point that they've been approved to get on on TEDx this automatically, basically, subconsciously, people think they already on authority, they're already cleansers. We're gonna dive deep on that one on day one. But yeah, I just wanted to mention it briefly right now.

September Smith:

Yeah. And that was an amazing case study, I'm going to be thinking about that all day. So as you say, we're getting into just the authority and the credibility that it offers you doing this, we're going to be talking about how in Bilyana as session with me at the summit, we're gonna be talking about how that TEDx Talk could be a key element of your media campaign, because I would think if you've got a TEDx talk under your belt, other people are going to say, like, yeah, come on my stage. It just kind of opens doors. And we're also going to get into a little bit more of what's involved with the whole being a TEDx speaker in his building on the set, also, then what you do after it with your media hack, social media hacks, we're going to talk about some of the things that people need to know to do this effectively. Because they're, I was amazed talking to you. There are so many rules and tips and as you say, in neurological tricks that you should be using and other tips and strategies and action steps to make this a powerful part of how you could be breaking through with media this year. So Bilyana where can people find you?


I am big on LinkedIn, that's my favorite platform at the moment. She has an incredible LinkedIn newsletter all about being a TEDx speaker. Yes, every Wednesday I issue a newsletter which goes on LinkedIn, a medium platform and and Pinterest so if you prefer to read this would be LinkedIn if you prefer to listen to it as our God so medium. Every Friday go live on LinkedIn and YouTube. So YouTube is a channel where you can see all my life episodes from from the Friday live podcast, which is now renamed to the red dot speaker stars. And I always pick a topic and I dive deep into that specific topic sites it's purely value and and that is my my goal always to give a lot of value to people listening. So I cut the fluff the way, the way how I teach my mentees conduct love get to 17 minutes straight. And the point is exactly rule what what I follow for my own.

September Smith:

So basically find you on LinkedIn, and then you can burrow down into all the resources and the value that you offer. So if you want to learn more about how you can be using TEDx in your media campaign, and also how to get media exposure, speaking engagements, PR publicity, and how all these things can be helping your business, make sure you register for the free three day breakthrough with Media Summit, June 14 to 16th to come and be with me and Bilyana, and this array of other amazing industry experts that are going to help you learn how you and your business can really have that big breakthrough that you need. The links for Biljana and for registration for the breakthrough with Media Summit are down below in the show notes. You do not want to miss this. This is going to be amazing. Bilyana, thank you so much for being here with me today and talking about this.


It was such a pleasure, September, to be here and I can't wait for the summit to start on 14th of May to see you there.

September Smith:

And that was just one of the amazing guests that we have at the BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit, a three day live virtual event happening June 14 to the 16th to give entrepreneurs authors and thought leaders a panoramic overview of the opportunities, the skills required and the services and tools that you can be using media exposure, speaking opportunities, PR publicity and more to have the major breakthrough that you are looking for 20 industry experts three days all available right from wherever you are and it's free. Register at the link below in the show notes. You will not want to miss this!